Althea Valara's Final Fantasy Recaps!

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

Shadowbringers is the third expansion of Final Fantasy XI. It is a fan favorite; many folks consider this expansion and its patches to be the best so far.

The story really takes off in Shadowbringers; there's a LOT of important lore! What this means is that this is less of a recap and more of a fan script. At first, I did just use wikis and The Unending Journey (which allows you to replay cutscenes) to write my "recap", but as I progressed further, I started playing a New Game+ so as not to miss anything. Given the sheer size of this project, I've broken it up into pages as I posted each section.

Final Fantasy XIV is VERY story oriented, not only in its Main Scenario Quests (abbreviated as MSQ) but it has tons of side quests and other content that helps flesh out the world you're playing in. Capturing EVERYTHING is beyond the scope of this project, but I hope to at least conceptualize the MSQ, so that both non-players and players looking to refresh their memories can understand the story.

Important Concepts for Shadowbringers

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Important Characters

Coming soon!