Originally posted November 29th, 2019
FOLKS I AM COMPLETELY FINISHED WITH A REALM REBORN AND CAN START HEAVENSWARD TODAY! Which I intended to do yesterday after we returned from Thanksgiving at my sister's house, but I wanted to finish writing this first and this took me TWO DAYS to do.
I told Rina I would be writing another post like I did when I finished the first part of ARR because let's face it, this is an MMO which means someday it will be shut down and I won't be able to replay the story. I want to remember the story! It makes me sad that I've forgotten a lot about FFXI since I was forced to stop playing it. Yes, yes, there are cutscenes on YouTube but it's not the same.
Before I get into it, though, I wanted to write about some of the negative impressions I had of the game before I started playing, because I did have a few. First: graphics. Every screenshot I saw of the game looked shiny and plastic to me. I didn't like that. It looked too fake, and I was afraid would distract me from the story. I don't know if it's because I play on a PS4 rather than a PC, but the graphics actually don't look as plastic as the screenshots did! I am pleased.
Second: minions. I knew this game had minions, and to be honest, I thought they were rather silly. Then I started the game and Rina gifted the Fat Cat minion to me, and hey I love cats so I decided to use it. I'm glad Fat Cat was my first minion, because it is charming and attracts a lot of attention (other players would come up to it and pet and hug it). Obviously, from my profile pic I've come around on the idea of minions. My current minion is Dress-Up Thancred, because I wanted a Thancred of my very own. *nods* I don't think it really looks like him--I mean, I can see the resemblance but it's a bit off--but I still like it, and I smile every time he does a backflip.
Third: Mounts. This game has a TON of mounts. Folks, when I played FFXI our only mount was a Chocobo AND WE LIKED IT. Like minions, I thought all the mounts were rather silly. I'm still of the impression that they're a bit overdone, and I can't imagine I'll ever be a mount collector (though I've heard they become important in Heavensward). I have five mounts, and I only use one, and that's the Falcon personal airship mount. I'd use my chocobo, but normally Yuki is out fighting with me and I think it's rude to ask him to carry me if he's been fighting.
Okay, that's enough of that. SO! THE STORY! It was pretty decent! Rina said it was rough in spots because the developers were still figuring out how to bridge the base ARR with an expansion AND they were working on the expansion at the time so patches 2.1-2.55 kind of got thrown together. I can definitely see that. It *was* rough in spots. It also made me think, "This is just a racket to get me to use all my gil in teleportation fees" because there was a LOT of "Go here, talk to this person, then return to headquarters". (I also think Hunting Logs are a racket to use all your gil on teleportation fees, but I digress.)
This is gonna be long because I am using the wiki to refresh my memory of what happened, which means I am probably going to write EVERY LITTLE THING even though I don't need to, really, to get the gist of the story across. TOUGH. I want to write it all down! (though i will note that some okay, a lot, of this is copied and pasted from the wiki, because it was easier than paraphrasing)
Patch 2.1: A Realm Awoken
So, at the end of the first part of ARR, there is roar and the ground shakes at a celebration ceremony, leading to the belief that there is another primal threat to deal with. Therefore, I was very surprised when the first quest to do involved searching for Minfilia's lost adoptive mother, who was a famous songstress. She apparently perished in the Calamity, but Minfilia never believed that to be true and is sure she is alive somewhere.
This sets up the first of the annoying fetch quests and the "go here, talk to someone, then return" quests. There are rumors that F'lhaminn (that's her name) is alive, so you go to investigate those rumors. You eventually learn that yes, the rumors are true, and mother and daughter are reunited. This is also when you learn that Minfilia is a miner by trade.
As this occurs, there has been some unrest at the Scions' headquarters. Folks are coming from all over, asking boons of the Scions, for now the Scions are no longer in the shadows but thrust in the light for all of Eorzea to see. The headquarters of the Scions is in Horizon, which is on the outskirts of Ul'dah. Since the Scions want to be neutral and not beholden to just one nation, it is decided that they must move their headquarters to somewhere more neutral. The decision: Mor Dhona.
Minfilia gives you some documents relating to the move to Mor Dhona, who you are to deliver to Slafborn there, who is head of the Adventurer's Guild in Mor Dhona. When you arrive, Slafborn puts you to work doing various menial tasks around the area. One task is to sneak into Castrum Centri and blow up crates of supplies the Garleans have been collecting. Another task is to retrieve a Wardstone from The Sunken Temple of Qarn (sidenote: I got hung up on this quest because I was intimidated by running a mid-level dungeon for the first time. I am forever grateful to Rina for running it with me!).
The next quest from Slafborn is to slay some Morbols, done to impress the other adventurers in the area into doing work for the restoration of Revenant's Toll. The plan works, and adventurers begin pitching in... but one inexperienced adventurer has bit off more than she can chew, and you are tasked with coming to her rescue. So you venture out into the wilderness, find her, slay the hapalits who are harassing her, and bring her back to Revenant's Toll.
Slafborn is pleased with all the work you have done. You're finally able to leave and report back to ALphinaud at the Waking Sands in Horizon (that's the Scion's current HQ), but before you can make your report, Alphinaud asks you to fetch some crates for him. More fetch quests, ugh! Once done with that, the Scion's receptionist, Tataru, bids you to help with a task. She is concerned about the Scions, who spirits seem low, and wants to brew a special tea for them to cheer them up, and asks for your help in procuring the tea leaves. This quest sends you to Coerthas, where you end up gathering the leaves from the wilds. Returning the tea leaves to Tataru, she begins to make the tea, singing a little song, only to interrupt herself by remembering that a crisis erupted in your absence.
It turns out that Good King Moggle Mog has returned to Gridania. As he was somewhat of a mythical being, the nations are concerned that he is, effectively, a primal -- that the Moogle's strong desire to have him at their side summoned him, much like the beastmen summon their primals. You are tasked with defeating him. So you do, and just like a primal, once he is vanquished he disperses into aether, leaving no corpse behind. It is determined that it was the Ascians who taught the Moogles how to summon their mythical King.
You now return to the Waking Sands, where final preparations for the move to Revenant's Toll are being done. You're talking with Urianger outside the solar when you hear Minfilia cry out. Entering the solar, you find Minfilia crumbled on the floor. The Echo kicks in, and you see a flashback of what occurred: a white-robed Ascian entered the room and spoken to Minfilia about the Echo, asserting that mastery of this gift could end hostilities between the Ascians and the children of Hydaelyn forever.
The flashback ends, and Minfilia gets back up on her feet. She orders you to chase down this white-robed Ascian, so you leave the Waking Sands, to find the Ascian standing in the middle of Vesper Bay, not even bothering to hide himself.
He bids you to follow him, though warns you may find your death if you do. You follow him north. As you do, you are tested by a few trials against mobs (and one of them did indeed kill me. I was on Bard at the time, so I redid the trial on White Mage and won this time.) The last trial is against four black-clad Ascians. After beating them, the white-robed Ascian bids you to approach him. He reveals to you his name--Elidibus--and says, "As it was, so shall it be again.“ Intriguingly, the Ascian emissary claims to serve the same god as Lahabrea (the black-robed Ascian you felled at the end of the first part of ARR), yet he appears to bear no ill will towards you and your fellow Scions.
It is now time to leave the Waking Sands once and for all. Urianger will be staying behind, however. Before you leave, Minfilia asks a favor of you. Minfilia's father, Warburton, was a Garlean spy whose true loyalties lay with the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Before his untimely death some fifteen years ago, he stole a wealth of imperial research on the primals, and compiled the findings in his private journal. Though this journal has served to guide Minfilia ever since, she has resolved -- after no small amount of soul-searching -- to entrust it to Urianger, in the hope that he may succeed in unraveling its remaining mysteries. You are to present Warburton's journal to Urianger on Minfilia's behalf.
You then journey to Mor Dhona, and enter the Rising Stones, the Scions' new headquarters. You have only just arrived and are speaking with Minfilia when Urianger bursts in with grave news: The distant yet dependable Students of Baldesion are no longer responding to his messages. Fearing the worst, Minfilia bids Urianger do everything he can to determine the cause of their uncharacteristic silence. For the time being, however, the Scions have no choice but to continue their work without the aid of one of their closest allies.
Patch 2.2: Through the Maelstrom
During a recent audit, it was discovered that the crystal stores of Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern have been covertly pillaged. Fearing that the culprits may have ties to the Amalj'aa, the Scions have agreed to assist in the investigation. You rendezvous with Y'Shtola in Thanalan, where a Brass Blade is convinced that a heavily-laden carriage that passed through one of the checkpoints is tied to the robbery. So you and Thancred investigate this carriage, but it was filled with somnus, not crystals. According to Thancred, there is nothing to suggest that the Amalj'aa have come into possession of significant quantities of crystals. As he communicates his findings to Urianger via linkpearl, you cannot help but wonder who is behind the crystal thefts, and what their designs might be.
Fearing that one of the Brave Blades might be involved, the Scions come up with a scheme: Y'Shtola will pose as a crystal courier, and you will ambush the thieves when they target her. Unfortunately, the thieves will not be taken alive and you are forced to kill them all. Although the thieves had naught in their possession to indicate their allegiance, Thancred notes that all were Sea Wolves, and that each of them sported distinctive blue facial tattoos. This observation appears to prompt a revelation in Y'shtola, who immediately takes her leave to make inquiries. Having been placed in charge of matters in Thanalan, Thancred invites you to return with him to Horizon and report to Fufulupa (the Brass Blade you've been working with.)
You are called back to Vesper Bay by Alphinaud. You find him standing on the docks outside the Waking Sands. Refugees from the Eastern nation of Doma have arrived, and wish to have an audience with the Sultana of Ul'dah to seek asylum. They plead their case to the guard on the Royal Promenade, but are turned away. Alphinaud decides to help out as he believes the Domans may have information about the Garlean Empire. So you and Alphinaud have a meeting with Lady Yugiri, leader of the Domans, at the Quicksand. During the meeting, you learn that after their rebellion against the Empire failed, imperial forces set about razing their homeland of Doma, leaving them no choice but to flee. Moved by her tale, Alphinaud offers to speak to General Raubahn on Yugiri's behalf, and departs for the Hall of Flames, leaving the refugees in your care.
You acquire food for the refugees, and shortly after Alphinaud returns with news that the Domans have been granted an audience with the Sultana and the Monetarists. Before the assembled leaders of Ul'dah, Yugiri details the circumstances which compelled her people to seek refuge in Ul'dah. Although the sultana, Raubahn, and Teledji Adeledji are sympathetic to her cause, the most influential member of the Syndicate, Lolorito, persuades the others to refuse the Domans asylum. Thus barred from Ul'dah, Yugiri and her people must look elsewhere for a new home.
Concluding that the other city-states are unlike to accept the refugees, Alphinaud proffers an alternative solution. Rather than petitioning another nation for aid, the Domans might instead travel to the outpost of Revenant's Toll, where they could work as frontier hands in exchange for food and shelter. Though Yugiri is amenable to the idea, the matter of how the refugees would make a journey of so great a distance remains.
Arrangments are made to travel by chocobo carriage in small groups. There's some fetch quests and other small quests to be done at this time--not going to write down the particulars because they don't matter. Once the party sets out, you are tasked with slaying a large beast blocking the route. Impressed, the Doman children pepper you with questions on being an adventurer. Plainly fascinated by your chosen way of life, the two children resolve there and then to form a Doman Adventurers' Guild once they reach Revenant's Toll.
Once arriving in Revenant's Toll, Yugiri is warmly greeted by Slafborn, head of the Adventurer's Guild there. Yugiri asks for a moment to compose herself before meeting Minfilia. You enter the solar ahead of her, and find Minfilia attempting to contact the Students of Baldesion via linkpearl -- more, you suspect, out of habit than hope. After briefly speculating upon their fate, she changes the subject and asks about the Domans -- to which you reply that Yugiri will arrive at any moment. In the subsequent meeting, Minfilia assures Yugiri that she will do her utmost to accommodate her people, as well as any others who may follow.
Not long after, the Scions receive a petition from Merlwyb, asking for their help against a primal threat. The Sahagin are about to summon Leviathan! You make your way to the beastmen's aetheryte in an attempt to stop the summoning, but are unable to prevent it.
I think it was at the aethryte that this happened, but the wiki doesn't make mention of it: the sahagin priest that summoned Leviathan somehow became immortal. I forget exactly what he did--I think it was like he had somehow obtained the power of the Echo. Merlwyb kills him, but he revives by taking over the body of another Sahagin. This process happens again, but eventually he is absorbed by Leviathan, IIRC.
Leviathan makes his way for the open sea, causing Merlwyb to fear that he is about to unleash a tidal wave. A plan is hatched: just like corrupted crystals were using in the fight against Garuda, they would be used again against Leviathan. To encompass the large amount of crystals needed, two ships would be lashed together.
The plan works, and you succeed in vanquishing Leviathan! You report your victory over Leviathan to a grateful Merlwyb, who pronounces you her nation's greatest ally. Apparently inspired by your philanthropic endeavors, she subsequently pledges to send provisions to the Doman refugees at Revenant's Toll. Keen to repay this act of kindness, Yugiri, in turn, offers to share knowledge of her Far Eastern martial art with any who would learn. In response to her concern that the style may seem outlandish to Eorzeans, Thancred reveals that there are individuals in Limsa Lominsa who are more than capable of adapting to the techniques.
Merlwyb gives you a letter of introduction for Yugiri, and you take Yugiri to meet the underworld in Limsa Lominsa. Before parting ways with you to study the secret fraternity's combat techniques, the ever-courteous Yugiri bids you relay her gratitude to Minfilia. For want of anything better to do, you return to the Rising Stones at Revenant's Toll, and convey her sentiments to the Antecedent.
You arrive at the Rising Stones, resolved to pass on Yugiri's words of thanks, but before you are able to do so, Minfilia proceeds to externalize her thoughts with regard to recent events. Based on the phenomenon she observed in the moments prior to Leviathan's summoning, the Antecedent is convinced that the true nature of the Echo and the secret to defeating the Ascians now lie within reach. Even as she resolves to take action, however, Urianger bursts into the solar bearing grim tidings: The Isle of Val, home to the Students of Baldesion, has been destroyed by a spell like in power to Ultima...
Patch 2.3: Defenders of Eorzea
This patch opens with refugees from Ul'dah arriving in Revenant's Toll, seeking asylum there much like the Domans were given aslyum. Minfilia is forced to turn them away. Tataru bursts into the solar with news that Alphinaud has been injured in Ul'dah, during a riot by the refugees that remained there!
At the Hourglass, you are relieved to find that Alphinaud's condition is not so grave as you were given to believe. Sadly, the same can not be said of Ul'dah. The riot, it seems, was the result of deep-seated tensions between refugees and Ul'dahn citizens, brought to the fore in the wake of the Domans' failed bid for asylum. To make matters worse, a large contingent of the Immortal Flames is currently engaged in joint training exercises, rendering the Grand Company undermanned at this critical juncture. By the time all forces have been recalled, Alphinaud fears that the situation may have deteriorated beyond mending.
You and Alphinaud investigate the source of the riot. You learn that a merchant who was a fanatical revolutionary came to Lost Hope in search of new recruits. Apparently, he offered the refugees a chance to hold the rulers of Ul'dah to account, and attracted no shortage of volunteers. There's a few quests in which you persuade the armed refugees to give up their fight. Commander Swift is full glad to hear that you convinced the refugees of Lost Hope to lay down their arms. That joy soon gives way to anger as you share the revelation that a single merchant has influenced recent events so greatly. The high flame commander declares that the merchant must be apprehended at once; doubtless he desires your help in this endeavor.
Suspecting that the merchant may have attempted to rally support within the city walls, Commander Swift asks you to speak with Landebert, an Ala Mhigan refugee who resides in Pearl Lane. Like many refugees, Landebert does not trust the Ul'dahn authorities, but the high flame commander believes he might be persuaded to share what he knows with you. Landebert is not inclined to help you, but as you are talking to him the merchant arrives to recruit more men. Realizing that he's been found out, the merchant makes an escape attempt, but you pursue him outside the city. As he is confessing to you, he is shot in the heart with an arrow.
Swift concludes that the merchant was murdered to protect the identity of his employer. Despite this setback, he seems confident that the identity of the uprising's true orchestrator will soon be revealed.
General Raubahn has summoned you to a private meeting in the Fragrant Chamber, at which he wishes to discuss the results of your investigation, as well as his own. Alphinaud has already been notified, and will be waiting for you outside. Proceed to the Royal Promenade and speak with Bartholomew.
There are men and women who will not scruple to set the world ablaze in the pursuit of power. Teledji Adeledji is one such man, having orchestrated the refugee uprising from the start. General Raubahn and the sultana believe that he intends to exploit the chaos in order to gain control of the Carteneau Flats, in which an Allagan creation not unlike the Ultima Weapon has been discovered. Were someone to harness the power of this relic, they would have the strength to subjugate all of Eorzea -- or so it is feared. Yet despite having learned of Teledji Adeledji's schemes, it would seem that your allies are not yet ready to move against him...
You are called back to the Rising Stones by Minfilia. Trouble has arisen in the Twelveswood: it appears that the touched Slyphs have summoned Ramuh. You convene with The Elder Seedseer, who confirms that the primal Ramuh has indeed been summoned forth by the natives of the Sylphlands. Loath to sacrifice the hard-won peace with the sylphs, she asks that you attempt to parley with the Lord of Levin before resorting to force.
You and the Scions make your way into the Sylphlands, only to be separated when some touched Sylphs set off some stingbombs. The other Scions escape further into the lands. The friendly Sylphs give you scalebombs, which will reveal the true nature of someone, as there is fear that the touched ones are impersonating the Scions. Sure enough, the scalebombs do reveal that this to be true!
You eventually find the real Scions: Yda, Y'Shtola, and Papalymo. Thancred comes up as you are talking with them. Fearing that he's not who he seems to be, you move to use a scalebomb on him, but the three Scions instead start... teasing him with stories of his background, to which he protests mightily. The Scions are satisfied it's really him.
(This is when we discover that Thancred had a rather shady history, and used to be a Rogue in Limsa Lominsa. I started leveling Rogue the next day, heh.)
Papalymo has determined by his readings were the Lord of Levin (Ramuh) is, and you make your way there and attempt to treat with him. Though initially dismissive of your attempts at mediation, the primal elects to suspend judgment until you have undergone a trial by combat. You have defeated the Lord of Levin, and thus earned the right to champion the cause of peace in the Black Shroud. After witnessing your battle with the primal, it appears that Urianger has also found that which he sought...
You describe your encounter with the sylph's guardian deity to the Elder Seedseer. The words of Ramuh appear to resonate with Kan-E-Senna, and she is unable to refute the Lord of Levin's claim that wherever man wanders, darkness follows closely behind. Unlike the Elder Seedseer, Papalymo appears satisfied with the outcome. You return to the Rising Stones and report to Minfilia.
After listening to your report, Minfilia alludes to some news of her own. Before divulging anything more, however, the Antecedent suggests you first listen to Urianger's latest discovery concerning the nature of the Ascians' immortality. Could it be that the scholar has stumbled upon a means to bring about the permanent destruction of the Paragons?
There's some quests here in Revenant's Toll which don't advance the story much, though one of them is to come to the rescue of Tataru, who has decided to try her hand at mining and gets herself in trouble. The next major story event that occurs is Alphinaud's proposal of establishing an Eorzean-wide Grand Company. To start off with, a smaller organization, the Crystal Blades, is established. You go around the three nations recruiting folks, but only a few answer the call. Among them are:
You return to Mor Dhona, and are speaking with Slafborn when it is discovered that a group of adventurers who were escorting crates of supplies for Revenant's Toll were attacked by a group of heretics from Coerthas. You travel to Coerthas to speak with Lord Haurchefant. A staunch supporter of the frontier effort in Mor Dhona, Lord Haurchefant eagerly shares with you what little information he has regarding the heretics and their mysterious leader, the lady Iceheart. You learn that they were spotted near Snowcloak, and go there and defeat the heretics in the vicinity--though from afar, you see a woman standing on a cliff.
After hearing your tale of what transpired at Snowcloak, the head of House Fortemps insists that the matter be turned over to the authority of the Temple Knights. Before sending you on your way, however, Lord Haurchefant promises that another shipment of supplies will be sent to Revenant's Toll.
You return to the Rising Stones, and assist in preparations for the initiation ceremony of the Crystal Braves. Though enthusiastic about the formation of the Crystal Braves, Minfilia's jubilance is muted by a grave concern -- the prolonged silence of the Mothercrystal. After confirming her suspicions, the Antecedent realizes that Hydaelyn has spoken to neither of you since the final battle with the Empire. Just as it seems Eorzea will at last win free of the Calamity's stifling shadow, another darkness gathers to cast its ominous pall across the land...
Patch 2.4: Dreams of Ice
This patch opens shortly after the initiation of the Crystal Braves. Alphinaud introduces you to his second-in-command, Captain Ilberd, who informs you that a Garlean spy nicknamed Ivy has infiltrated one of the Grand Companies in Eorzea. Believing that the Ivy may be part of the Immortal Flames, you and Ilberd set up a meeting with Raubahn. Turns out Ilberd and Raubahn go way back--all the way to Ala Mhigo.
Raubahn and Ilberd both agree to continue their investigations into Ivy. Returning to the Rising Stones, you learn that one of the Crystal Braves' units was ambushed by Garlean forces, and a member was taken captive to Castrum Centri. You are tasked with rescuing them. You do with the help of Alianne.
You have no time to rest after the rescue, for your presence has been requested at a meeting with an Ishgardian dignitary. Alphinaud has been granted an audience with Ser Aymeric, Lord Commander of the Ishgardian Temple Knights, who will be acting as a representative of the Holy See. Keen to ingratiate himself, Alphinaud has asked you to accompany him to the meeting, as Ser Aymeric has expressed a desire to meet the famous Warrior of Light.
Ever since the Battle of Silvertear Skies, the city-state of Ishgard has kept her neighbors at arm's length. Not even the threat posed by the VIIth Legion was enough to coax the reclusive nation back to the negotiating table. Now, however, after two decades of near silence, they have reached out -- but to what end? Regardless of Ser Aymeric's agenda, Alphinaud is resolved to advance his own.
Alphinaud hopes to persuade Ishgard to rejoin the Eorzean alliance, but they decline. Instead, the Ishgardians ask for the Scion's help in watching over the remains of Midgardsormr, as the astrologians have recently foretold of his rebirth. Just as Alphinaud agrees to this, you learn that the latest shipment of supplies for Revenant's Toll have been waylaid by Iceheart and her followers.
The route taken by the caravan was known only to a few, yet by all accounts, the ambush laid by the heretics was executed flawlessly -- a fact which does not escape Aymeric's subordinate. In spite of this, Alphinaud believes that a thorough examination of the ambush site must be conducted before pursuing other avenues of inquiry. You investigate the ambush site, and find an injured soldier there, who tells you of overhearing the heretics speak of "Shiva's resurrection".
Apostate to the Holy See, patron saint to the heretics, Shiva lay down with dragons long ago. She is long dead, yet the heretics are sure of her coming again. Alphinaud fears that she may take the form of a primal, and that the heretics are using the crystals from the stolen caravan to summon her.
There are some quests here that investigate a traitor in the midst, which is how the heretics knew the times of the supply runs. What this all culminates in, is a battle at Snowcloak. A narrow tunnel is found at Snowcloak, and you are tasked with investigating it. Which you do.
“What we do, we do for the greater good.” ...The words of a true believer, spoken in all solemnity by the woman once known as Ysayle. It is plain that she will not be swayed from her path. Though weary from your previous encounter, you prepare yourself for battle, only to see your foe make instead for the nearby aetheryte and teleport away. Iceheart has eluded you.
You follow the tracks of the heretics, coming across one of the Crystal Braves, Yuyuhase, who's in danger from the heretics. You rescue him. He reveals that he found a document on a heretic he had slain. It would seem to be an escape plan devised in the aftermath of the heretics' failed ambush at Snowcloak. The plan mentions a rendezvous point near the Observatorium, as well as a merchant sympathetic to the heretics' cause.
Outside the walls of the Observatorium, you chance upon the merchant and a single heretic, who subsequently attempt to flee. However, they are stopped in their tracks by the unexpected arrival of Captain Ilberd, Alphinaud, and Yugiri. After Ilberd takes them into custody, Alphinaud explains that they had been seeking the merchant in connection with their investigation into the Ivy.
You reconvene with the alliance leaders at the Lotus Stand in Gridania. There, you learn that the Garlean war of succession has concluded with the crowning of Varis zos Galvus, the late emperor's grandson. Under his leadership, it is feared the Empire will soon resume its march upon Eorzea. If the realm is to stand against the reinvigorated might of Garlemald, it seems clear that the Alliance must not only regain its former unity, but find a way to entice the long-estranged Ishgardians back into the fold.
Meanwhile, Ilberd has continued his investigation into the Ivy. Ilberd reveals that the Ivy is none other than Flame Marshal Eline Roaille, Raubahn's second-in-command. He believes that she has come to Gridania with treachery in mind, and means to catch her in the act. So you follow her around for a while. The Crystal Braves in charge of keeping an eye on the exits of Gridania swear they have not seen her leave town, but one of the Doman refugees (who's been helping out) says she left town via the port, en route to the East Shroud.
After a brief sidequest to destroy a jamming device, which forces the Ivy to meet with her conspirators face-to-face, you confront her with the help of the Domans. Reporting back to Minfilia at Revenant's Toll, you learn that the Scions have made progress in their quest to gain entry to Iceheart's sanctum.
It would seem that Minfilia's claims of progress on the matter of finding a way into Iceheart's sanctuary are somewhat premature. After a lengthy discussion with Urianger, the Antecedent has concluded that the Scions in Revenant's Toll lack the expertise to develop a solution and must therefore turn to another for assistance -- a Sharlayan colleague who is currently en route to Mor Dhona.
It turns out that Moenbryda's meeting with the other Scions is less an introduction and more a reunion -- a particularly emotional one, in the case of Urianger. Setting her mind to the problem of the missing aetheryte, she quickly devises a solution involving white auracite, a material she has been researching for the purpose of capturing Ascian souls. By using it to channel a burst of concentrated aether into the aetheryte by which Iceheart escaped, she believes she can recreate the beacon at the opposite end. If successful, it should theoretically be possible for you to teleport to it. Should it fail, of course, any such attempt would result in your death -- a painless death, to be sure, but a permanent one nonetheless.
Anyway, you use the white auracite, and succeed in the teleportation. Those driven to the brink of despair are ever the most dangerous of foes, as you are reminded when Iceheart offers her own body as a vessel for Shiva's soul. The resurrected saint of eld lashes out with a righteous fury, pushing you to your mortal limits... yet the battle ends as it began, with the young maiden kneeling in the snow, cursing your ignorance.
“Hear... Feel... Think...” Of Iceheart's cryptic parting words, her final three leave the deepest impression, for few indeed are the ways in which one could come to know them. Could it be that Hydaelyn speaks to your enemy too?
Afterwards, you inform Moenbryda of your victory and what Iceheart said, and Moenbryda is certain you've received head trauma.
There is a meeting with you, Alphinaud, and Ser Aymeric of Ishgard. The cordial mood between Alphinaud and Ser Aymeric abruptly turns sour when the Scion accuses his counterpart of manipulating the situation to his advantage. In response, the lord commander all but declares his desire to work with Alphinaud for the betterment of Eorzea, while stressing that a man in his position must act with the utmost discretion. Alphinaud relents, having at last gained an understanding of the pragmatic ambassador, and the rift between the two is quickly mended. Ser Aymeric then formally introduces his second-in-command, Lucia, who will act as his representative when he is otherwise indisposed. As a final gesture of goodwill, the lord commander shares the results of the Ishgardian investigation into the heretics' attacks with Alphinaud, which should help the Crystal Braves to dismantle the remainder of Eline Roaille's network of spies. Whatever else Ishgard may be, it is plain that she is no friend to Garlemald.
You report back to Minfilia at the Scion's HQ. There, many questions are pondered. Was Shiva a primal, or something heretofore unseen? Did Iceheart truly become her, and if so, did she retain control? Did the Ascians have a hand in her plans? Your tale raises more than a few questions which the Scions are unable to answer. Minfilia is most troubled by Iceheart's final words to you, from which she concludes that the heretics' leader is blessed with the power of the Echo. What drove the young maiden to take such drastic action remains unclear, but if she is to be believed, then the answer may lie with Midgardsormr -- the great wyrm that perished at the Battle of Silvertear Skies, and that Ishgardian astrologians fear may soon rise from the dead...
As you ponder, a commotion is raised outside the solar. It appears that Roaille, who was the Ivy, has escaped. With the help of the Domans and the Crystal Braves, you recapture her at Raubahn's Push near Castrum Meridianum. Alphinaud and Ilberd question her, while you return to the Scions HQ. Meanwhile, your fellow Scions have made further progress in the quest to find a means to destroy the Ascians. If their theories are correct, white auracite may allow you to recreate the blade of Light you once used to vanquish Lahabrea.
Patch 2.5: Before the Fall - Part 1
Before starting this questline, you must complete the Hard versions of Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan, who have been resummoned by the beastmen tribes and are stronger than ever.
As the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have grown in size and influence, so too have their responsibilities, prompting Minfilia to consider if their expansion was wise. Alphinaud, however, does not harbor such concerns, having embraced his role as commander of the Crystal Braves and guardian of Eorzea. The young Elezen now wishes to aid the Immortal Flames in their ongoing efforts to bring stability to Ul'dah, and he would like your assistance with his mission as well. Join him outside the solar and listen to what Riol, his subordinate, has to say.
Riol, who has been attempting to trace the source of some weapons wielded by disgruntled refugees, has learned of a large shipment which may be intended for the same purpose. A black marketeer in eastern Thanalan is planning to resell the weapons and reap a tidy profit -- unless you and Ilberd intervene before the exchange takes place.
Ilberd creates a plan in which you create a distraction while he and his men slip inside the tunnels where the exchange is to take place. You succeed in your distraction, and go to wait outside the tunnel as instructed. Upon hearing a cry, however, you rush into the tunnel to find Ilberd standing over a body in a pool of blood. The captain explains that the black marketeer fought back with a hidden blade, and that one of his subordinates, fearing for his safety, slew the man. What is worse, a party of Duskwight sellswords believed to be the clients managed to slip past the 1st Unit, which is currently giving chase. As a final ignominy, it would seem that Riol's information was erroneous, and that the massive shipment of weapons consists of a single wooden crate...
Ilberd asks you to deliver the crate to the 3rd unit of the Crystal Braves in Ul'dah. You find Yuyuhase conversing with Alianne of the 4th Unit and her subordinate, Wilred, and place the crate of weapons at their feet. Although Alianne struggles to accept that the single crate is the entirety of the shipment, Yuyuhase dismisses the discrepancy as Riol's failure. After you part ways with the three Braves, Riol steps from the shadows and begs a private audience, though he does not explain why.
After listening to your account of events at the Burning Wall, Riol shakes his head in disbelief and insists that something is not right. He reiterates his claim that there should have been more weapons, crediting his experience deciphering financial transactions, as he once did for the Crystal Braves to ensure that no funds came from unsanctioned sources -- though such precautions are no longer taken, it would seem. Apologizing for his outburst, he takes his leave, moments before Tataru summons you to Revenant's Toll via linkpearl.
Tataru thanks you for returning so quickly and states that a guest from Ishgard has requested your presence. Given the urgency of the receptionist's summons, it seems likely that the envoy has a dangerous task in mind.
Waiting for you in the solar is Lucia, Ser Aymeric's second-in-command, who has come on his behalf to request your assistance with a matter of grave import. The astrologians of the Observatorium have interpreted recent signs as an indication of Midgardsormr's imminent resurrection. You are tasked with investigating the Keeper of the Lake.
OH BOY DO THINGS START TO PICK UP HERE!!! You climb the fallen airship, and at the top face Midgardsormr. It's a really tough battle (my party wiped twice). I'm copying the following directly from the wiki, as it's pretty important:
With no choice but to fight, you engage the wyrm lord in battle, at last laying him to rest forever. As you turn to leave, the voice of Midgardsormr rings out once more, and you are invited to plead your case.
Yet your words fall on deaf ears, and the wyrm lord flatly states that his children now sing of Ishgard's imminent destruction. Your fate sealed, he prepares to end your life -- only to hesitate when Hydaelyn intervenes and marks you as one of her chosen. Midgardsormr then relents -- but not before somehow stripping you of the Mothercrystal's blessing. Revealing that a covenant binds him to you, the essence of the wyrm lord coalesces into a tiny vessel, and though it subsequently vanishes, you can yet feel his eyes upon your back...
Before you can even begin to speak of your experiences, the Doman watch informs you that Alphinaud has summoned you to the Rising Stones. Return and seek out the young commander.
In private, you share your experiences with Minfilia, Alphinaud, and Urianger. Together, you conclude that it would be best to keep the majority of your conversation with Midgardsormr a secret, given Ishgardian attitudes towards consorting with Dravanians. Alphinaud leaves to speak with Lucia, and for a moment you are left alone with Minfilia, who observes that you are somehow changed. Having no choice, you reveal what you kept concealed from the others -- that Midgardsormr took from you the blessing of Light. The Antecedent accepts your reassurances that everything is well... yet Midgardsormr's constant presence is a reminder of the opposite. Unaware of your new burden, Lucia thanks you for besting Midgardsormr, and for bringing confirmation of the impending Dravanian attack. Though she has complete faith in her nation's capacity to defend itself, Alphinaud remains doubtful, and as the knight takes her leave he mutters quietly to himself, head bowed in thought.
Despite his reservations, Alphinaud acknowledges that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn are in no position to intervene. Until such time as they choose to request aid, you and the others have no choice but to watch and wait.
So you've lost the blessing of light. I'm not sure if this means you no longer have the Echo, but it appears so.
A meeting is held at Scion HQ with Moenbryda, who's made progress in her attempt to create a blade of light. Moenbryda reveals that she has formulated a means of producing the staggering amount of aether required to destroy a captured Ascian soul -- namely, by siphoning energy from the corrupted crystals found across Eorzea. It is at this point in her presentation that Alphinaud arrives and suggests that she conduct her experiments in northern Thanalan, where such crystals formations are bountiful yet not too closely grouped. He soon adds, however, that the imperial forces in the area are seeking to ransack the resources of the Ceruleum Processing Plant. With a knowing smile, Alphinaud laments that Moenbryda's experiments will be nigh impossible to perform without the Scions first cooperating with the Crystal Braves to defeat the Garlean threat.
At the Processing Plant, you report to young Wilred, the Crystal Brave from Little Ala Mhigo. He in turn introduces you to Lieutenant Edelstein, who informs you there are explosives hidden around the plant. It'd be disastrous if they were to go off, so you and the Crystal Braves search them out. Once that done, you join with the Braves again to eliminate the advancing Garleans. You report to Alianne of the Braves' fourth unit, but Ilberd arrives and drafts you to help Yuyuhase and the 3rd unit. You take on some of the Garlean forces on your own, then rejoin Yuyuhase, and he speaks of similar victories in the field. The Lalafellin Brave offers to share news of the Garleans' demise with Alianne, and asks that you do the same for Lieutenant Edelstein.
The next bit is important so I'm copying it in full from the wiki:
With the battle against Castrum Meridianum's soldiers concluded, Moenbryda is now free to conduct her experiments in the field. Find the scholar at Dalamud's Talons, and see how her research progresses.
After witnessing Moenbryda perform a successful trial upon a corrupted crystal formation, you are visited by an Ascian who introduces himself as Nabriales. The Paragon soon senses that you have lost Hydaelyn's blessing and teleports away, seemingly intent on taking advantage of the Scions' vulnerability. Moenbryda realizes that the staff Nabriales spoke of is likely Tupsimati, the relic once wielded by Louisoix himself.
Hurry back to the Rising Stones and protect Minfilia from the Ascian's intrusion.
You return to the Rising Stones to find Nabriales already in the solar with Minfilia, the Antecedent clutching the shards of the broken Tupsimati. With dismissive contempt, the Ascian reveals his plans to use the power yet hidden within the staff to bring about a new Rejoining. He then tears open a dimensional rift, through which he escapes with both Minfilia and the relic she holds. Follow Nabriales into the rift, and put a stop to his nefarious plans.
※The Chrysalis can be accessed via the Duty Finder.You have defeated Nabriales and rescued Minfilia. Return to the Rising Stones.
Upon your return to the Rising Stones, you are once more visited by Nabriales, who taunts you with his immortality. Before he can flee into the void, however, you succeed in trapping the soul of the weakened Ascian within the chunk of white auracite. But try though you might, without Hydaelyn's blessing, you are unable to summon enough aether to truly destroy him. As she witnesses light struggle to triumph over dark, Moenbryda finally comes to understand her mentor Louisoix's dedication to his duty. The wounded scholar then expends her own life energy in a brilliant burst of aether, allowing your glowing blade to at last pierce Nabriales's essence. A step too late, the rest of the Scions enter the solar to be greeted by the tragic news of Moenbryda's sacrifice. Somewhat comforted by the knowledge that his dear friend was, at the last, liberated from doubt and confusion, Urianger departs to grieve at the Waking Sands. Speak with the Antecedent to discuss the aftermath of the battle.
Though assailed by her own grief, Minfilia yet worries more for Urianger and the loss he must be feeling. The Antecedent then voices her intention to hold a memorial service for the Scions' fallen friend, and honor all that Moenbryda has accomplished.
A memorial service is held at a stone sacred to Thaliak, the guardian deity of Sharlayan, in Mor Dhona.
Patch 2.55: Before the Fall - Part 2
Minfilia is concerned about Yda, who has been down since Moenbryda's passing. She urges you to see if you can lift Yda's spirits. Yda asks you to retrieve a Moon Daisy from Rowena, who Yda finds annoying (and perhaps a bit scary). You do so, and the two of you lay the Daisy at the site of Moenbryda's memorial.... but black wings cover the sky as you do so. Racing back to the Rising Stones, you find out that the Ishgardians have arrived with an urgent report.
The envoy from Ishgard turns out to be Lucia, Ser Aymeric's second-in-command. The knight brings grim tidings, and has come to seek the aid of the Crystal Braves and the Grand Companies in bolstering her city's defenses. She also bears a personal request from the lord commander, who wishes to speak with you.
You travel to Ishgard with Alphinaud, but cannot find the lord commander. The camp is at ill ease, though, so you decide to investigate. You make your way to the Gates of Judgement and question the knights there, who inform you Iceheart had attacked them: a heretic force has broken through the outer defenses and dispelled the first layer of arcane wards protecting the city of Ishgard.
You return to the camp and meet with Ser Aymeric. Shortly after greeting Ser Aymeric in the intercessory, you are joined by Estinien, the Azure Dragoon. Owing to his prolonged contact with the Eye, Estinien is able to hear Nidhogg's "voice," and confirms that the roar that recently shook the heavens was the vengeful wyrm's call to battle. It would appear that Iceheart, if not directly in league with the creature, at least shares Nidhogg's desire to invade the city and lay claim to the Eye.
Swayed by Ser Aymeric's grim prediction of a desolate Coerthas providing a new staging point for the Empire, Alphinaud agrees to aid the beleaguered lord commander.
You return to the RIsing Stones to inform Minfilia. Along with the Crystal Braves, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have committed themselves to the defense of Ishgard. As your companions depart the chamber with singular purpose, however, it appears that Riol is more concerned by the private words passing between Ilberd and Yuyuhase...
Next, you attempt to recruit adventurers in Revenant's Toll to help aid in the battle against the Dravanian forces. You have approached a number of adventurers, and been greeted with responses ranging from cautious interest to barely concealed hostility. After being rebuffed by a particularly reluctant Roegadyn, you are suddenly pulled aside by Riol, who proceeds to explain the suspicious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Wilred, the youth from Little Ala Mhigo. With battle looming on the horizon, however, there is little time for you to delve into this latest mystery.
Alphinaud and you meet with the Alliance Leaders at Ul'Dah, but they offer little help, agreeing to send only a token force to aid the Ishgardians.
You take out the advance forces of the Dravanian host, then fight a great wyrm on the Steps of Faith, defeating him. A rousing victory obtained, you return to Minfilia at the Rising Stones, who suggests you take a well-deserved rest. Unfortunately, that rest is short, for soon you are called to a celebration feast at Ul'Dah.
There's a sidequest in which Tataru decides to take a leave of absence from the Scions to learn to become a fighter herself, so she can be a bodyguard to Minfilia as well as her receptionist. Minfilia asks you to check up on her, and you do, to find that her studies in arcanima aren't going well. But the arcanists' guild's leader has kind words to say to Tataru, saying that her strengths lie elsewhere.
Tataru is somewhat heartened, but still feels like there is something she can do to help aid the Scions. She enlists your help in procuring blood pearls from clams in Costa Del Sol. Once done, she leaves to meet with F'lhaminn in the markets while you return to the Rising Stones.
Minfilia is full of grief at all who have been lost, but knows she must attend the feast at Ul'dah. She makes her leave, but as you leave, too, Riol calls out to you, and you take the opportunity to share the news of Wilred's death. In response, the Crystal Brave reveals he has uncovered evidence that Teledji Adeledji has bribed members of the 1st and 3rd Units. Riol also divulges that Wilred had begun to ask pointed questions, which likely led to his demise at the hands of these traitors. Troubling as these revelations may be, you have obligations in Ul'dah which cannot be postponed.
Upon arriving at the Royal Promenade, you get called away to the Quicksand, where Momodi has a message for you. Alianne of the 4th has requested a private meeting so that she might show you something of importance. You make your way out to Thanalan, near the railroad tracks, where you stand in wait for Alianne. As you do, your mind wanders. Eventually you notice a vial at your feet. You pick it up.
As you puzzle over the significance of the vial, a familiar voice reaches your ears. Laurentius, another man you personally recruited to the Crystal Braves, is surprised to see you out in the field so soon before the royal banquet. He tells you that he has seen no sign of Alianne on his patrol, but reassures you that if he does happen to meet with her, he will tell her that you waited. Time is growing short, yet something about the vial troubles you. Perhaps Momodi will know what to make of it.
Momodi can offer little insight into the vial, save that it resembles those used by alchemists. Like Laurentius, she implores you not to worry about Alianne, and to turn your thoughts to more pressing matters.
Okay, this is where things REALLY HIT THE FAN, so I'm going to copy and paste from the wiki because IMPORTANT!!!!
Before you make your entrance at the banquet, you must answer the summons of Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo. Speak with her handmaiden on the Royal Promenade when you are ready to meet the monarch.
In private, the sultana reveals to you her intent to abdicate the throne and establish a fair and equitable republic. However, she is not so naive as to think that the transition will be without difficulty, which is why she asks that you support Raubahn however you can in the days ahead. You agree, and see relief wash over Nanamo's face... only to be replaced with confusion and terror as her body is racked by convulsions. Time seems to slow down as she falls to the floor and lies motionless, and as you rise to your feet to aid her, Teledji Adeledji and a contingent of Brass Blades burst into the room. The scene thus set, Teledji proclaims to all and sundry that Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo has been murdered with poison -- and that you, the Warrior of Light, are the [man/woman] responsible.
Captain Ilberd of the Crystal Braves delivers you bound into the Fragrant Chamber and declares that you stand accused of regicide. Your bewildered allies vehemently deny Teledji's claims, but the Syndicate member counters their protestations with accusations that they too had a hand in the assassination. Ludicrous as it sounds, you see fear and doubt spreading across every face in the room -- save for that of Raubhan Aldynn, a man foundering in a sea of disbelief and despair. Yet it is not words of comfort which serve to bring him back to shore, but Teledji Adeledji's unconcealed glee at ridding himself of the sultana once and for all.
Unable to resist, he goads the Bull of Ala Mhigo into action, and is cleft in twain for his troubles, never to mock Nanamo again.
Lost to fury, Raubahn then advances upon Lolorito -- only to be taken unawares by Ilberd, who severs his arm with a single practiced stroke. His true colors thus revealed, he delights in tormenting his rival in Teledji's stead, going so far as to claim credit for Nanamo's murder. His rage rekindled, the general rises to his feet, and in the ensuing struggle succeeds in freeing you from your bonds. As he and Ilberd eye each other from across the room, Raubahn bids you and the Scions escape -- to clear your names and see justice done -- before preparing to cross swords with the man he once called brother.
Bereft of allies and branded fugitives, you and your fellow Scions flee the scene, with a legion of Braves and Blades in hot pursuit. But it soon becomes plain that they are not to be outrun. One by one, your comrades choose to remain and hold back the tide of pursuers, until at last, when you emerge from the Sil'dihn ruins, you find yourself alone. For a mercy, you are soon reunited with Alphinaud, at least, as well as an unexpected friend: Bremondt, the peddler whom you met when traveling to [Gridania/Limsa Lominsa/Ul'dah] long ago. Together with Pipin Tarupin -- Vice Marshal of the Immortal Flames, and Raubahn's adopted son -- you flee to Black Brush, where Bremondt asks you to wait until help arrives.
Your promised help turns out to be none other than Cid Garlond, who is prepared to spirit you away from Thanalan aboard the Enterprise. But where will you go? Somewhere beyond the reach of the Monetarists and the Crystal Braves both, Pipin offers, prompting Alphinaud to conclude that Coerthas is your best choice. And so you part ways with the young Vice Marshal, who swears to do what he can to clear your names, and climb aboard the Enterprise. After what seems a short journey, you disembark near Camp Dragonhead, where a downcast Alphinaud proposes you seek Lord Haurchefant's counsel.
You receive a customarily warm welcome from Lord Haurchefant, who has already had the particulars of your tale from Alphinaud. Though plainly sympathetic to your plight, it would seem that he has a tale of his own to tell...You learn that the Dravanians renewed their assault on Ishgard in your absence, and that several wyverns broke free into the city proper. The beasts were duly slain, though not before wreaking considerable havoc, and so it comes as little surprise that your petition for asylum will not be heard until the threat to Ishgard has diminished. For the time being, Lord Haurchefant invites you and Alphinaud to join your companions in the intercessory. Speak with the knight stationed outside to gain entry, and find out who awaits you within.
To your surprise, you find Tataru and Yugiri waiting for you in the intercessory, the refugee leader having rescued the young receptionist from the Crystal Braves in Limsa Lominsa. Together, you learn, they traveled to the Waking Sands, where Urianger cast a powerful glamour to mask the presence of those taking refuge within. This small blessing is soon tempered by the realization that, aside from you and Alphinaud, every other Scion who attended the banquet remains unaccounted for. Succumbing to a fit of melancholy, Alphinaud curses himself for being blind to the traitors in his midst, and foolishly believing that he could save the world single-handedly. Seeing this, Lord Haurchefant and Tataru remind him that all is not lost -- that they still have allies to whom they can turn. With these words ringing in their ears, the remnants of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn resolve to resume their journey and seek their redemption... one step at a time.
The scenes with Alphinaud being all dejected made me want to give him a big old hug. I'm such a sucker for hurt folks.
For viewing these cutscenes, you get an achievement called "My Left Arm". I groaned and laughed at the same time. Too cruel!
EDIT DECEMBER 1st: OMG I forgot the most important thing! After the credits rolled, there was a scene with the Ascians. I forget what the Ascians were talking about, but after they conversed, Urianger appeared and called one of them Master. Was he in cahoots with them all along?!?!
So, in summary, the highlights of the story are as follows: