Final Fantasy Brave Exvius was a global mobile "gacha" game. I first started playing on October 8th, 2016, playing heavily for about five years before tapering off somewhat. I continued playing, though, until 2023 when the game wouldn't run well on my tablet anymore and my eyesight got too bad to play it on my phone.
Even though I had stopped playing, I was still really sad when the global version of the game shut down in 2024. Some might think that "it was just a phone game, why did it matter?", but to me, Brave Exvius story was so good, it felt on par with any of the mainline games in the series.
In late 2017, it occured to me: This is a mobile game. It's going to end someday, and I will never ever be able to replay the story! By this time, Mobius Final Fantasy, another mobile game that I played briefly, had already had its end of service happened, so I felt the urge to DO SOMETHING. So I sat down at the kitchen table one day, a cup of hot cocoa nearby, and started replaying the story in FFBE from the beginning, and--believe it or not--writing it down by hand. One thousand, five hundred and seventy-three days later (or four years and four months), I finally completed handwriting Season 1. It took 434 sheets of paper.
It hurts that I don't have season 2 as well. I would have liked that, and when the End of Service date for FFBE was announced, I tried my best to see if there was some way to extract the game text from the files. I *am* a techie but this proved to be beyond my limitations, and I was not successful. But I do have most of the short stories, and a good many of the story events documented as well. Those still need to be typed up, and I'll get to them when I can.
But for now: I present to you Season 1 of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, fan script by me. I hope you enjoy meeting Rain and Lasswell! They are still some of my favorite characters from the franchise.